Thursday, December 20, 2007

School News!

Everything's set! I'm enrolled in school. :) I'm taking Ancient Mesoamerican Civilizations, Native American/European Encounters, Victoria's Secrets: Sex, Society, and Change in the British Empire, and Middle Eastern Dance. My schedule's gonna be a bit crazy this semester. So that means...

Mondays and Wednesdays, I'm at work with my students til 2:30, and in class from 4:00-5:15.
Tuesdays, I'm in class from 2:30-5:30.
Thursday, I'm in class from 2:30-8:00. Not a typo, one of the classes meets once a week.
Fridays, I'm at work with my students til 2:30.

And all the time for reading and research and papers. T_T I'm gonna be hella busy, but I'm really excited. :) The Victorian Society course is the one I wanted that I was waitlisted on. I got an email from the department secretary that they'd added another section. I replied thanking her for telling me, but that I couldn't avail myself of it because it's when I have students of my own, and asked if this topic might be repeated within the next year or two? Unbeknownst to me, she emailed the department chair, who suggested I contact the professor. I did so, explaining that I really wanted to take the class, and she had them bump the number to let me in! I'm so excited. :D

And I'm getting a new backpack, w00t! My current one is a bit difficult to use with my chair because it is a tetch too wide.

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